ARF Waives Adoption Fees for Wildfire Evacuees

Tony La Russa’s Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF) announced today that all adoption fees on dogs and cats six months and older will be waived Friday, Oct. 13 through Sunday, Oct. 15. ARF hopes to boost adoption to accommodate the growing number of evacuees they are taking in from California shelters affected by wildfires. ARF’s mobile rescue team has evacuated dogs and cats this week from shelters in Napa, Sonoma, Yolo, and Solano counties. These evacuations not only remove animals from the dangers of fire and smoke, but also allow shelters in affected areas to concentrate on housing displaced animals and reuniting families and pets.
“We witnessed an overwhelming adoption response last month as we needed room for hurricane evacuee animals,” said ARF Executive Director Elena Bicker. “No one could have imagined we’d face another evacuation disaster even closer to home so soon. However, if you’ve been considering pet adoption this is a perfect time. Add to your family while helping both animals and the communities in crisis.” 2890 Mitchell Drive, Walnut Creek, California 94598 ·