The Good To Go Box

Amaya DeShasier holding Good to Go Box at Walnut Creek Farmers’ Market
(Photo: Amaya DeShasier holding Good to Go Box at Walnut Creek Farmers’ Market)
When COVID-19 hit the Bay Area and Contra Costa County last March, the demand for curbside pickup and food delivery service soared, especially among seniors and others at risk. The Saturday Orinda and Sunday Walnut Creek Farmers’ Markets stepped up with a safe and convenient service—Good to Go Boxes—pre-packed with a bounty of seasonal fruits and veggies for customers who want to eat fresh, locally-sourced food.

Simply download the Tap 4 Markets mobile app on your cell phone from the Apple or Android store, place an order for a Good to Go Box (starting at $35) packed with seasonal produce, or customize it and order directly from your favorite farmers' market vendors. Then Saturday in Orinda or Sunday in Walnut Creek, pick up your farm box without leaving the comfort of your car. (
“We’re also partnering with the City of Walnut Creek’s Neighbor Express program—a network of volunteers who deliver groceries and meals for free to residents over the age of 60 or with preexisting health conditions. They pick up Good to Go boxes from us on Sunday mornings and deliver them directly to customer’s doorsteps,” says executive director Staci DeShasier. “Each one comes with a fun flyer describing what’s inside and the family farm or artisan who produced the food.”
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