A Conversation with Malinder Bhan: Bank Executive Sparks Engagement in Commercial Real Estate

Q: Can you describe your role at JPMorgan Chase?
A: As a Senior Business Relationship Manager at Chase, my work involves providing financing and treasury management services to Bay Area businesses, particularly in the manufacturing, technology, and logistic sectors. I am devoted to facilitating the growth of my clients' businesses and building lasting relationships.
Q: How did you get your start in business banking? What’s your background?
A: My dad was in banking in India, but at the time my passion was broadcast journalism. Before moving to the East Coast, I hosted two weekly TV shows on Jalandhar Doordarshan. For many reasons, it was not a practical career path in the United States, so I got into business banking (much to my father’s delight!) first with Lafayette Bank & Trust then US Bank. Eventually, I moved to the West Coast to join Washington Mutual, which later became Chase. Thanks to dedication and hard work, I advanced from a part-time teller to a senior business relationship manager. Looking back, it's been a rewarding journey.
Q: What is CREW? (Commercial Real Estate Women)
A: CREW Network is a global organization with over 13,000 members from diverse commercial real estate fields in more than 70 chapters across six countries. Our mission is to empower women in commercial real estate through engagement, education, resources, and opportunities. In Alameda and Contra Costa counties, CREW East Bay offers commercial real estate professionals an organization for networking, information sharing, buidling relationships, and doing deals.
A: Why did you join CREW East Bay?
CREW East Bay opened the door to influential women in the commercial real estate industry. It's a warm, welcoming group of successful women who share their experiences and insights on growth and success. I quickly engaged in the organization, joined various committees, served on the board, and now have the honor of serving as CREW East Bay President in 2023.
Q: As President of CREW East Bay what are some of your goals?
A: In March, we achieved one of our main objectives, meeting CREW Foundation's Trifecta goal. Each year, the foundation gives out thirty $5000 scholarships to female college graduates interested in pursuing a commercial real estate-related field. On September 27, we're hosting a U CREW event at Berkeley University, in partnership with HAAS School of Business, to introduce young women to career opportunities in the field. Then on October 14, we're hosting a CREW Careers event for female high school graduates with the City of Oakland. Our goal is to inspire young women to enter the commercial real estate world and support their success.
Q: What other events do you have coming up?
A: On July 20, we're hosting a mixer at Bocanova in Oakland, on July 28, a Lake Merritt walk, and on August 15, our monthly luncheon with the the future of Stoneridge Mall as the topic. We're also busy planning the annual CRE Golf Tournament hosted by NorCal CCIM and CREW East Bay on October 16. Most of our events are open to non-members who want to learn more about the organization. Come join us.